The European Federation of Financial Professionals Poland (FFP Poland) is an Association acting to disseminate and confirm high standards of performing the profession of Financial Advisor in Poland. €FFP Poland is a completely independent organization, established in 2007.

The Federation brings together Members who have passed the international exam and obtained the Certificate issued by €FFP Poland. So far, the Association has issued around 2,100 EFG® and EFC® Certificates.

From the beginning of its operations, €FFP Poland has been actively involved in the financial advisor profession and its independence from institutions, as well as promoting financial planning. Amongst other things, the effect of €FFP Poland’s efforts was the inclusion in 2010 of the profession of Financial Advisor for the classification of professions in Poland, with the profession code 241202 (Journal of Laws No. 82, item 537). After publishing the profession in the classification of €FFP occupations, Poland was able to start work on the National Competency Standards for the profession of Financial Advisor. In 2013, the National Standard of Professional Competences for the profession of 241202 Financial Advisor was approved and published by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

€FFP Poland educates professional Personal Finance Advisers based on European financial planning standards and in accordance with ISO 22222 (International Organization of Standarization) standards in the area of personal finance planning services and the requirements of the National Standard of Professional Competences for 241202 Financial Advisor.

Thanks to its many years of activity, €FFP Poland since 2013 is a Public Benefit Organization.